When it's been a day for both the wife and I, I like to surprise her by cooking up something special
When it's been a day for both the wife and I, I like to surprise her by cooking up something special
Beans on toast for lunch - My Redbubble sticklers came - Oh yeah, we got a dusting of snow
Das (hiking) Boot - The dog sniffing every 10 feet - Surprise, the cat is there
Geese hanging out on an ice shelf - The wife hiking - Warming up with Blue Bottle coffee from the daughter
Day trip to Philly to drop off the daughter - Porgs invaded my Wild Burrito lunch - Greenstreet coffee to warm us
Golden Latte from Peet's - Used book haul - The daughter got My Sims for DS at McKay's
The son wants all the chips - Delivered lunch to the girls - I bet they named this drink after what happens after you drink...
slow day, so you get three pictures of my new Kindle case from @begoos_com; it's awesome!
Beautiful morning sky - Beautiful morning coffee - Beautiful evening meal
Mac and cheese bar at the cafeteria - Magic 8 Ball, will I be able to leave work early? - The pug thinks she's hiding
Dusted off a fountain pen - Made hot cocoa - Ordered Chinese
Looks like the birds found the seed I put out - Must. Remain. Strong. Resist. Buying. - The wife made vegan enchiladas; so good.
Made delicious vegan banana sugar free pancakes for breakfast - Turned the spare room into our library today; so much Hygge.
Playing around with Selfissimo - The girls brought me a surprise from the store - Stole these stickers from the son's Snack Crate.
Not sure the Mini likes snow - Little house centipede that freaked the kids - While the girls were at the Kennedy Center, the guys...
Trying this coffee my boss brought back from New Mexico; similar to hazelnut - Pic from my dad's back deck near Charleston at Thanksgiving -...
The son gave me this hat for Xmas; comes in handy with these temps - I've been robbed! - The wife made potato corn chowder...
Kicking off a new Project 365, with a familiar twist. Three pics per day of 2018. - Trying a #yearcompass this year - First full...